
This blog is where you will find information about my work, things that interest me, and things I think you might interest you . . . it's a way to get to know me and my work! I welcome feedback so feel free to get in touch if you have any comments or questions - or to enquire about any work you see on my website.

Aspiring Art Award 2020

I’ve had a painting accepted into the 2020 Aspiring Art Awards. I figured this was a great way to get my work seen in the South Island - it’s the first time I’ve exhibited in the South Island, so hopefully it will help introduce my work to a new audience. Plus, all sales benefit the Holy Family School in Wanaka.

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Amanda Wilkinson
Artists who have inspired me

My very first memory of becoming really excited by art was when, as a young child, I was allowed to play with a pair of expensive Vasarely art books with accompanying printed transparencies, that could be overlayed and shifted to create crazy optical effects.  I had to be really careful with them, they were very expensive and very precious to my parents - and they were probably two of the most fascinating books on the floor-to-ceiling shelves in our house crammed with architecture and art volumes.

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Amanda Wilkinson
Collecting art - your own way

I've just read a great article on collecting art - even on a budget - art that YOU like, art that means something to you, not the type of art that is 'trendy' right now. It talks about how much more joy you can get from an art collection when you know the artist, or when the pieces have some emotional meaning to you. And about how an art collection can grow over the years, and morph and change as your budget and taste changes, but how this creates a rich, personal collection that really represents you and your own style and personality.

Last weekend we went to ...

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Amanda Wilkinson